Main Gates and East and West Lodges

The entrance and lodges were constructed in 1894 by the City Architect Alex B McDonald (1847 -1915) and all are Category B Listed.

The gateway of 4 symmetrical columns is comprised of alternating bands of red brick and sandstone which rise into a curved and moulded stone cope. The two innermost gate-piers are topped with decorative wrought iron lamp brackets. The gates and pillars were moved back nearer to the lodges from their original position in the 1 920's when the new Queen Margaret Drive and Bridge were constructed.

The Lodges of mock Tudor style flank the main entrance to the Gardens. Both are single storey with symmetrical inward facing elevations and face onto Great Western Road. The steps to the door have an ashlar parapet supporting a gabled porch on Roman Doric columns. The porches are flanked by mullioned and transomed 3-light window and roll-moulded panels on the West lodge containing the Glasgow City crest while the East lodge has the date 1894.